HypnoBirthing® Classes - Are They Really Worth It?

A common question I hear is, "are hypnobirthing classes worth the money?" Here are six reasons why I, and my clients, think is definitely is.

Are Hypnobirthing Classes Worth The Money

It’s a question I hear getting asked all the time from pregnant women and even those around her.

I wonder where this question really stems from. Yes, there is a fee for the course, and then it might be the time that one has to dedicate to the course and ‘homework’ and of course, if you have to travel then there are costs associated with that too.

Of course, as a HypnoBirthing® practitioner, I say a very loud YES they are definitely worth it! But why is that and do class participants agree?

6 Reasons Why HypnoBirthing Classes Are Worth the Money

Here are six reasons why Hypnobirthing is worth every cent and more.

#1: Your HypnoBirthing Practitioner is REALLY passionate about educating and empowering women in childbirth

Small businesses tend to start out as a passion about something and working with women in pregnancy and labour is no different. I remember at my first Gentle Birth Info Session I had a Mum come up to me afterwards and say “You are so passionate about childbirth and empowering women I could hear it in your voice this morning. Thank you for helping me believe that birth can be amazing.” She went on to sign up for the HypnoBirthing course.

#2: It's backed by research        

study conducted by Western Sydney University in 2016 showed that women who are informed have fewer interventions and better birth outcomes than those who attend standard hospital birth education classes.

This is also backed up by the birth survey results that Australian HypnoBirthing course attendees complete post birth.     

Only 12.8% reported birthing by c-section, our national average is 33% and the WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends no more than 15% of births should be by c-section. Only 20.43% had an epidural, our national average is 46.5%.

National Average v HypnoBirthing Mums statistics for C-sections and Epidural use

This graph shows a reduction in c-sections by 61% and a reduction in epidural use by 65%.

#3: It supports your mental health

A positive birth experience reduces the chances of post-natal depression (PND) in both parents, yes men can experience PND. This can affect:

  • Self-confidence
  • Relationships
  • Bonding with baby
  • Future births
  • Development of baby

#4: You get lots of tools and bonuses to help

Sure, you could just teach yourself. The book, HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is available from any good bookshop.

However, you receive so much more than what is in the book when you attend the course.

  • You receive 5 additional relaxation tracks
  • Many handouts packed with information to help you be fully prepared and informed for your journey
  • You have the opportunity to ask a childbirth educator questions as they arise,
  • You have personal contact and support throughout your pregnancy, birth and into the postpartum period

#5: Your partner or support person will learn so much more

Your birth companion (father of baby, your partner, mother, sister, friend etc) will also benefit. They'll have a range of tools taught to them so they can have an active role to play in the birth, supporting the mother in a way that supports birth.

My husband is the first to admit that he was pretty useless at the birth of our first child and unfortunately he isn’t alone. Your birth companion(s) are there to support you as you birth, they want to help but many find this a struggle as to how they can help, especially if things take an unexpected path.

By taking HypnoBirthing® classes, your birth companion will have a much better understanding of the birth process and what they can do to support you. They’ll even be given little prompt cards to remind them.

#6: It's an investment in your memories

You can spend a small fortune getting ready for the arrival of your baby, there is the pram, nursery furniture, carseats, breast pump and/or bottles etc very quickly adding up well into the thousands, yet these have an expected life of about 4 years.

A HypnoBirthing class at the cost of $600 for group classes or $900 for private classes will bring you a lifetime of positive birth memories. Every birthday you will reflect and remember what happened and how you were made to feel and that really is priceless.

If you are interested in knowing more about HypnoBirthing classes in the Canberra region, don't hesitate to contact me.


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